Our solutions are Certified to Leading Industry Standards

We have leveraged our experiences with securing customer networks, applications and data to design, implement, maintain and audit security at every layer of our services.

This page outlines the mechanisms and procedures we have taken to deliver our services and describes the certifications that attest to our security and processes.

Multi-layered protection

All our customers benefit from:

  • Data encryption in transit - Data is encrypted using TLS in transit
  • Data encryption at rest - Data is encrypted on servers using AES-256 and our advanced encryption cipher with 4096 bits.
  • Strong authentication controls - Enforced complexity requirements, Two-factor authentication, IP address restrictions and forced resets, as well as optional Single Sign On support
  • Role-based access controls - End user viewing, access & uploading permissions.
  • Administrative auditing - manage users, groups, and access permissions, and audit user activity
  • Protection of your privacy - We take your privacy very seriously.

Please see below for more details about our certifications and the technology controls that support them.

ISO 9001:2015 ISO 27001:2013