TrustPattern™ is the technology that facilitates information storage on any surface using pattern recognition. The technology uses both covert and overt patterns for security and flexibility.

This technology provides first-of-its-kind printable smartcard functions with dual authentication.

Solutions by Industry


Dual Authentication Control and authenticate readers of the pattern, preventing unauthorized access.

Security The technology uses imperceptible security features to guarantee the uniqueness of the pattern.

TrustPattern™ also provides flexibility in controlling the access to the data stored in the pattern.
Encryption Protects information stored in the pattern with advanced encryption.
Printable smartcard TrustPattern™ supports many surfaces and converts any surface to store information.
Seamless Access The technology provides both online and offline access to information from the pattern.
User friendly TrustPattern™ technology enables commonly available devices to read and decode the TrustPattern™ without needing special devices.
Quick Implementation TrustPattern™ API and Plugins are available for all platforms and provide quick technology integration.

Solutions by Industry

TrustPattern™ possible applications by Industry.

Please explore the solutions below:

TrustPattern™ can secure banking-related documents like chequess, certificate of deposits with AI-enabled technology coupled with advanced encryption and compression.

TrustPattern™ can be used in the secure delivery of insurance cover notes, policy declarations, and other insurance documents.

The technology can be also used as a secure digital ID solution with the lowest operational and infrastructure costs.

TrustPattern™ technology provides a secure and scalable digital ID solution for Driving Licenses, Identification cards, and other certificates with the lowest operational and infrastructure costs.

TrustPattern™ can be used to efficiently issue travel passes with the least operational and infrastructure costs.

Payment Solutions

The technology can be also used as an advanced peer-to-peer payments solutions with least transaction charges.

TrustPattern™, an AI-enabled technology coupled with advanced encryption and compression, can secure educational certificates and mark sheets.

The technology works like a printable smartcard, providing a secure digital ID solution with the least operational and infrastructure costs.

TrustPattern™ can be used to provide user-friendly and frictionless membership, rewards, and gift programs providing the best ROI.

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